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When you’re responsible for maintaining and ensuring the safety of operating rooms, you are always anxious. After all, there are many things to take care of, and you shouldn’t have to handle them alone. Luckily, at Wellington Environmental, we understand your struggle, and we’re here to help.

With 30 years of experience backing us, we provide operating room air certification and monitoring services. This means you can have peace of mind, knowing that your surgical unit meets all the necessary standards. 


Call us directly:  314-644-4930

Poor Air Quality Consequences

Air quality testing in operating rooms is a must. Without proper monitoring of surgical sites, various issues may appear, including the following:

  • Patients who are more likely to acquire infections.
  • Higher chances of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
  • Compromised sterile environments. 

As a result, these issues can lead to:

  • Extended patient recovery time
  • Increased costs for patient care
  • Damage to the reputation of the healthcare facility 

Overcome Challenges and Leave Risks Behind

With our operating room air monitoring and certification, we can help you avoid these consequences. Our experts will conduct thorough testing and analysis to ensure your surgical unit meets the highest standards. 

No doubt, with this service, you’ll be able to take immediate action if any issues arise, ensuring the safety of your patients and staff.

Ensure a Safe Space with Our Guidance

There are even more benefits to choosing our operating room air certification and monitoring. Such as the following:

  • We’ll give detailed reports and recommendations for improving air quality as needed.
  • An accredited certification shows your commitment to the safety of patients and staff.
  • The reassurance of having ongoing support and guidance. So, no doubt remains during the process. 

Your Path to Better Air Quality

To get our air quality testing team in your facility, follow these three steps: 

  1. First, fill out our online form.
  2. Then, schedule a date to receive the service.
  3. Finally, experience improved air quality in your operating rooms.

Your Ally in Getting Safe Operating Rooms is Here

Struggling to use an operating room with poor air quality will be a thing of the past with Wellington Environmental in St. Louis, MO. Our operating room air certification and monitoring will help you get a healthier and safer environment for everyone. So, contact us to start working towards the great spaces you’ve always wanted.