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Trusted Mold Remediation Services In St. Louis, MO

Mold can be a very frustrating and stressful issue to deal with. Whether in your home or workplace, mold can pose serious health risks if left untreated. The presence of mold can also cause significant damage to your property, including structural damage and reduced air quality. If you Live in St. Louis, MO, and you’re dealing with a mold problem, it is important to seek professional ecological contractors in MO.

At Wellington Environmental, we’re a restoration company that specializes in providing effective mold remediation solutions to property owners in St. Louis, MO. Our team has the experience required to work on complex mold issues. Plus, we use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that every job is done properly. Don’t keep struggling with your mold problem – let the experts at Wellington Environmental help!


How Do You Know You’re Dealing With Mold?

Mold can be difficult to detect, as it often grows in dark and hidden places. However, if you notice any of the following signs, you may want to consider working with a professional like us to assess your property for mold:

  • A musty odor in your home or workplace
  • Water damage or dampness in your property
  • Leaky pipes or fixtures
  • Discoloration on walls or ceilings, especially near water sources

How Does Our Mold Remediation Work?

At Wellington Environmental, our mold remediation process begins with an inspection and assessment of your property. We will work to identify the cause of the mold issue, as well as determine its severity. Then, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Our team will use advanced techniques and equipment to remove any mold from your property and restore any damaged areas.

Eliminate Your Mold Problem Today 

The presence of mold in your home can be quite the cause for concern – and very unsightly, too. It can cause significant damage to your property and pose serious health risks. You may experience throat irritation, watery eyes, a stuffy nose, and more. But don’t worry! We are here to help! Our certified technicians have the skill and experience to not only diagnose the source of your mold but also remove it safely and quickly.

Moreover, they will assist in making sure your home is properly sanitized so that the pesky fungi won’t come back anytime soon. Take a step forward toward having a healthier living environment with Wellington Environmental! We also perform high-quality mold remediation services for realtors, contractors, universities, hospitals, and universities. To learn more about our environmental cleaning services, visit us online today!