Several decades old advisories claim air quality culture sampling is not critical to a reduction to HAIs. Yet according to a May, 2011 article in the Journal of Infection Control, regular monitoring of airborne bacteria levels helps reduce the risk of surgical site infection (SSI).
Testing for airborne fungi and fibers as well as dust particulate as a predictor to more dangerous problems that could affect the outcome of any surgery if not eliminated immediately is only part of our menu of testing when certifying Operating Rooms and Special Procedure Rooms (i.e., LDRs, Cardiac Cath, Endoscopy). Testing of pressure differental, air exchange rates, skin cell squames, and more provides a clear picture of the quality of air in these critical rooms.
Quality Specialists responsible for Hospitals and ASCs understand the importance of testing and documenting the things they cannot “see” in ORs to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff.