Everyone is working with smaller staffs and more “To-dos” than ever; you still need to be having your Water Management Meetings. Auditors and Surveyors will want to see evidence that the Water Management Committee is identified and meeting on a scheduled basis.
Cooling Tower Treatment and Legionella
Recently, a Legionnaires’ outbreak in the Bronx kills 1 and Sickens 18. The cases are linked to cooling towers located on roof tops. Don’t think roof top towers are safe from exposing people, they aren’t. Legionella cases from cooling towers is not as uncommon as you may think.
Tip: If cooling towers are turned OFF for intervals for maintenance or lack of need – apply more chemical than normal before returning to service. Bacteria can quickly develop in dormant towers. Include this step in your Water Management Plan
Innovation Leads to Cost Saving Legionella Testing
The next step in creating a water management plan is choosing the best method for legionella testing. We wanted to provide you with some information that may save you time and money.
Cost savings in science sometimes means reduced accuracy or giving up effectiveness. However, in this case, a water analysis technology has evolved which has undergone thorough examination and testing for accuracy. In fact, the results are so good state compliance inspectors are using the technology over the old gold standard analysis method.
The Legiolert® Test is a next-generation culture test to detect Legionella pneumophila, the waterborne bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease. This new technology allows for accurate and reliable test results for a reduced cost and faster turn-around.
The Differences
Because of the reasons listed above, more states are using Legiolert. We recommend using the same type of Legionella analysis as your state inspectors. Comparing results is much easier when using the same type of analysis.
Contact us for information concerning your water management plan.